Discover the Depths of Soul Connections

Exploring Twin Flames, Soul Mates, Kingdom Spouses and Karmic Relationships

Delve into the mystical world of soul mirroring relationships and uncover the profound connections that transcend time and space.

There is still much mystery, secrecy and nuance about the elusive Twin Flame relationship and journey, whilst navigating karmic relationships that may announce that they are your twin flame (false twin flame), there is much to navigate in relationships, and I have found it comes back to resolving past-life karma, and healing personal Soul Trauma.

Let me say this with honest experience. There will be souls that come into your life, that have this magnetic quality, perhaps mentally, emotionally and spiritually at first; and if appropriate for all involved, it may turn quite quickly to sexual magnetism. Not all twin flames will be in a sexual role with you, you can experience a Twin Flame, or Soul Mirror, with a member of your family, someone of the same sex, someone much older than you (grand parent kind of age gap), a pet (normally soul mate kind of vibrational quality with animals).

The most healthy and high-vibrational relationships that are loving and balanced, will always be those willing to meet each other, to work through their issues together; or choose to go their seperate ways, because you can no longer be together and in proximity together, whilst you work through your own shadows. You may or may not come back together with your Twin Flame, but expect more drama, chaos and destruction, if both/one of the parties, are not willing to be honest to themselves or the other person, and is unable to work on themselves and transmute their trauma.

Healthy Soul Mirroring Relationships

Healthy Twin Flame relationships can exist, they will be bulging at the seams with Source energy and potential, so explosive could be in form of creation together or destruction together.

More often than not, are Soul Mates and Kingdom Spouses. From a higher level, Spirit is not attached to labels, there is no hierarchy or better relationship title to have, from one over another; only the type of experience you are having, ultimately coming down to unhealed, wounded, traumatised, karmic souls that are having their experiences, whilst at a deeper level, clearing and transmuting old soul trauma together. Or healthy soul mirroring relationships that align you to the highest, in every possible way, whilst also holding your space and being honest when they see something in you that you might have missed.

You will be reflected in the other person, that’s why at times they can really annoy you, or you can and will be completely smitten and in Love with them, because you love yourself, you can deeply, and unconditionally love them too.

Soul Mates / Kingdom Spouses

My experience of Soul Mates are those with little, to no karma to play out together. You resonate on a similar wavelength, you do not (have very little) past soul trauma and karmic wounds that need to be resolved together, so your journey together will be much softer, easier, lighter and more joyful from the beginning.

You both have similar Destiny/Mission/skills in life, you will compliment each other, you will anchor the energy of Heaven on Earth together, giving each other a new lease of life, inspiring and supporting each other, bringing deep revitalisation of health and vitality together.

Honest conversations, authenticity, integrity, acting in love and consideration for each other, will be day to day for all involved. Challenging conversations will be brought up and worked together, and with maturity. Communication maturity comes from working on yourself, transmuting insecurities, able to forgive and let let, experience compassion towards the other soul and their circumstances. Be flexible, flow like water, love is your super power.

Soul Mates are also what I would consider a large proportion of Kingdom Spouses too, those beautiful souls in your life that are aligned with their highest soul path frequencies, that are a match for your highest alignment soul path frequencies, that will bring in heaven on earth frequencies in the birth of the New Earth. Love is the key, and those that are able to resolve their trauma and wounds, can and will meet, and dance in these higher realm frequencies together, anchoring them on earth, and having a gloriously loving and wonderful time together.

Twin Flames

Twin Flames are two separate soul signatures, that merged together in a time of great need back in the fall of Lemuria & Atlantis. And those that did merge as Twin Flames, merged from a place of deep love and deep fear, so a great deal of the karmic programming has come from these traumatic times. When wounded/traumatic programming and conditioning are created in a life, unless they are transmuted and resolved soon afterwards, they get repeated in following lifetimes until they are healed and alchemised. Trauma gets stored in the sub-conscious mind, and your Soul contains traumatic imprints from all of your past lives that have had unresolved trauma; revealing themselves lifetime after lifetime, until that traumatic programming can be identified and alchemised. Alchemising Soul Trauma is a book I am writing at the moment, to empower the reader seeking solutions, with self-healing journeying techniques and lifestyle changes, that helped me heal myself from ill-health and living my life in a trauma trap. No one needs to suffer and be in pain any longer than necessary, and this is a huge reason for the work that I do, to give people access to tools and insights, to free them from repeating pain and suffering programs, lifetime after lifetime.

On my own personal experience, I have experienced multiple twin and mirror relationships over my lifetime, and to varying degrees of unhealed trauma/wounds/karma that we had to work through. My personal healing journey is what led me to identify and release karmic relationships, and most importantly be able to see wounded patterns within myself that I worked on, transmuted and healed.

If you feel like you are in a Twin Flame relationship, and you get to experience the highest of the highs, and then the lowest of the lows; it could also be indicative of a narcissistic-empath relationship; so it is incredibly important to have healthy boundaries, build your confidence, work on yourself, heal your insecurities without the need of external validation,  or the need to feel completed by another soul (false twin programming).

Finding the love of your life

If you want to attract the love of your life, you must put yourself as a priority to heal yourself, physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually. You will always attract a reflection of yourself. The frequency that you emit internally, will be reflected to you externally. This is a really good way to get a gauge on your internal world. If you constantly find yourself in more drama, destructive behaviours, you or the other person is projecting their wounds onto the other, distortion/manipulation of facts; then it comes down to how much does everyone involved want to work through their wounds together or separately?

Sometimes it is better for everyone involved to do their best, and either work together to heal and ascend their soul trauma together, or go their separate ways. Both are good, both are viable, it is up to the souls involved, if they both want to raise their soul energy together, or they may need to go their separate way to continue their souls path.

If you leave each other on a sticky end, then don’t feed the situation with any more of your time, energy or words. Make yourself a priority, move yourself to somewhere safe, loving, nurturing, and build yourself up; whilst taking as much time as you need to find compassion and forgiveness for yourself, and any others involved. Keep taking care of yourself.

If your heart has been hurt in the past, do your best to keep it open, and keep love flowing through yourself, visualising golden rainbow light flowing through your body and space everyday whenever you need it, spend time in nature, play with animals, spend time with healthy supportive families, children, loving community, do charity work, find your purpose, live a happy, healthy and physically fit lifestyle; all of these will increase your frequency, heal your emotional heart and release your soul from ongoing suffering lifetime after lifetime.

True Love over labels

True Love is what is most important, its not a label on your relationship. If you really ask yourself:

  • Is this relationship benefitting me, or harming me?
  • Do I feel energised or exhausted with them?
  • Do I feel free, supported and IN Love? Or living on egg-shells, nervous, insecure?

Then you my friend, are the best possible soul and heart to decipher the type of relationship you are in, and what is best for you right now, if you want to take a journey of truth, honesty and deep self-healing and self-care, now you have some extra signs from the universe to guide you to the answers that you seek.

By Jennifer, 108 Healing Senses

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