Number 3: Balance Organic Essential Oil Blend


Number 3 Balance Organic Essential Oil Blend, 10ml

Therapeutic Grade, Organic & Wildcrafted Number 3 Balance Organic Essential Oil blend that emotionally supports, uplifts from low mood, helps in processing trauma & offers spiritual protection.

Ingredients: blended with Organic Grapeseed oil, Organic Frankincense Serata, Organic Helichrysum, Organic Sweet Orange, Organic Mandarin and Organic Geranium Rose.

(More information below for usage)

UK mainland shipping only


How to use Number 3 Balance Organic Essential Oil Blend, 10ml 

  • As this blend is pre-diluted, you can apply it directly to your pulse points: wrists, temples (be careful to not go too close to your eyes), forehead, throat area, and chest area ~ particularly useful for your higher heart chakra (Thymus – near collar bone) and sacral chakra (below your belly button).
  • Best to apply directly to hands for inhalation or directly onto pulse points, for immediate mind, body, spirit balance.
  • Using essential oils, it is best to start with less and add more over time when you feel you require it.
  • If you want to moisturise and balm your whole body, dilute a few drops of Number 3 with a carrier oil 1-3 tablespoons of organic: jojoba, olive oil, coconut oil, sweet almond. Which is highly beneficial for positively affecting your body, olfactory nervous system, and overall nervous system lifting your emotional well-being, which naturally raises your vibration.
  • You can use it in an Electronic Diffuser/Essential oil candle burner to cleanse the air in your room and receive the potent qualities through inhalation, although you may need to use more drops as it is prediluted.
  • Simply inhale 5-20 times from the bottle or hands, to receive the healing and restorative affects of this blend.

Include a healthy well-balanced food regime, plenty of pure filtered/distilled water, exercise and laughter, as part of your self-care routine alongside these oil blends.

Note: All essential oil blends lovingly use:

(UK mainland shipping only)


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